Sunday, October 19, 2008

Concept and direction for redesigning the Museum

While I quite like Utzon’s design and its intricacy, I felt I would like to experiment with the use of transparency and reflection in my representation of the Silkeborg design. To successfully experiment with these two ideas, I decided to place the building so that the bottom half was underwater instead of underground. By doing this, I’ll be able to use different types of glass to create different impressions of various views of the ocean.
I felt that keeping the design as a museum would create conflict between Asger’s artwork and the surrounding scenery thereby lowering the value of his work. I’m considering changing the purpose of the building to possibly a high class restaurant and night club. One of the words I’m using is discovery and I, in keeping with Utzon’s design, aim to use this as a central theme behind the design and re design it so that customers will b able to use the ramps to seat at different areas and levels of the building. Each of these areas will have different views of the ocean and sea beds, and customers will have to walk through it all to get to their seats for dinner. Then they’ll have to continue downstairs and can enter the 1st of the three chambers which will each have a different type of dance area. I haven’t decided on what the wether I’ll add glass to the chambers or leave them all solid, though it might just depend on the style of each chamber.

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